Recent News
Mode of action diversity – putting it into practice
Some tips to help growers establish and make a success of winter oilseed rape this year.
Early or late – the great drilling debate
Drilling winter wheat later is a standard recommendation to control black-grass and Italian ryegrass. In benign autumn weather conditions, it is proven to work. Unfortunately, if like 2023, there is prolonged wet weather from October onwards, the consequences may be poorly established crops and undrilled fields.
MagicTrap. The digital yellow trap for oilseed rape pests
MagicTrap is a fully automated, digital, yellow, water trap for oilseed rape that provides information in real-time on the presence of OSR pests in your field directly to your smartphone. Helping you to understand the pressure in your field at anytime, from anywhere.
Top tips for successful WOSR establishment
Some tips to help growers establish and make a success of winter oilseed rape this year.