Weeds are a constant threat. They can interfere with crop growth and limit yield potential. Bayer’s herbicides fight weeds with a vengeance; controlling weed pressure and providing reliable, season-long control and burndown solutions. These herbicides may utilise multiple modes of action to help combat glyphosate-tolerant and resistant grass and broad-leaf weeds.

For use only as an agricultural herbicide. A contact and residual herbicide for pre and post-crop emergence use against a range of broad-leaved weeds and annual meadow-grass in winter wheat and winter barley

For use only as an agricultural herbicide. A highly active herbicide (including a sulfonylurea herbicide) with foliar and some root activity against black-grass, wild-oats, rye-grasses, bromes, annual meadow-grass, loose silky-bent, and a range of broad-leaved weeds in winter wheat, winter durum wheat, winter triticale, winter rye and spelt wheat.

Mizr XL
A foliar applied translocated herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds before sowing or planting all crops. For use pre-harvest in cereals, oil seed rape, mustard, combining peas, field beans, linseed. For destruction of grassland, and use in stubbles, orchards, aquatic, amenity and non-crop areas. For the control of emerged weeds in industrial and amenity situations and in forestry.

For use only as an agricultural herbicide. A highly active herbicide (including a sulfonylurea herbicide) with foliar and some root activity against blackgrass, wild-oats, rye-grasses, bromes, annual meadow-grass, loose silky-bent, and common chickweed in winter wheat, winter durum wheat, winter triticale, winter rye and spelt wheat.

Roundup Biactive XE
A foliar applied translocated herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds before sowing or planting all crops. For use pre-emergence and pre-harvest in cereals and certain other crops, for destruction of grassland, and set-aside and for use in stubbles, orchards, forestry and non-crop areas.
Roundup Biactive XE label
Roundup Biactive XE safety data sheet

Roundup Biactive XE(A)
A foliar applied translocated herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds before sowing or planting all crops. For destruction of grass, post-harvest cleanup, orchards and non-crop areas such as fence lines, patios and paths.
Roundup Biactive XE(A) label
Roundup Biactive XE(A) safety data sheet

Roundup Biactive XL
A foliar applied translocated herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds before sowing or planting all crops. For use pre-harvest in cereals, oil seed rape, mustard, combining peas, field beans, linseed. For destruction of grassland, and use in stubbles, orchards, aquatic, amenity and non-crop areas. For the control of emerged weeds in industrial and amenity situations and in forestry.
Roundup Biactive XL label
Roundup Biactive XL safety data sheet

Roundup Biactive XLA
A foliar applied translocated herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds before sowing or planting all crops. For destruction of grass, post harvest cleanup, orchards and non-crop areas in gardens such as fence lines, patios and paths.
Roundup Biactive XLA label
Roundup Biactive XLA safety data sheet

Roundup Flex
A foliar applied translocated herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds before sowing or planting of all crops. For use pre-emergence and pre-harvest in cereals and certain other crops, for destruction of grassland, and use in in stubbles, setaside and orchards.

Roundup Flex Plus
A foliar applied translocated herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds. For use before sowing or planting of all crops, pre-emergence and pre-harvest in cereals and certain other crops, for destruction of grassland, and the control of emerged weeds in stubbles, orchards, forestry and non-crop areas.

Roundup Gold 450
A foliar applied translocated herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds before sowing or planting of all crops. For use pre-harvest in cereals, oil seed rape, mustard, combining peas, field beans, linseed. For destruction of grassland, and use in stubbles, orchards, aquatic, amenity and non-crop areas. For the control of emerged weeds in industrial and amenity situations and in forestry.

Roundup Powermax
A foliar applied herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds, before sowing or planting all crops, pre-emergence and pre-harvest in cereals and certain other crops, for destruction of grassland, and set-aside and for use in stubbles, orchards, vineyards, forestry, industrial, horticultural, aquatic and non-crop areas.

Roundup XL
A foliar applied translocated herbicide for the control of annual and perennial grass and broad-leaved weeds before sowing or planting all crops. For use pre-harvest in cereals, oil seed rape, mustard, combining peas, field beans, linseed. For destruction of grassland, and use in stubbles, orchards, aquatic, amenity and non-crop areas. For the control of emerged weeds in industrial and amenity situations and in forestry.