DK Imprint CL

The Only UK-Recommended Clearfield. DK Imprint CL is the new generation Clearfield leader.
Double Phoma Resistance
RLM7 supported by polygenic resistance for the most durable phoma/stem canker protection and greatest spraying economy and flexibility.
Pod Shatter Resistance
Pioneering genetic resistance to pod shattering for the least seed shedding up to and at harvest and the greatest flexibility in harvest timing.
Vigorous Establishment
Robust initial root and shoot growth for the most reliable and even establishment.
Rapid Autumn Development
Faster-than-average development for the most rapid growth away from flea beetles and other autumn challenges.
Seed rate should target an even plant stand of 25-30 plants/m2 in spring.
The rapid autumn growth habit means a PGR may be appropriate in early/mid October on very forward crops to reduce the risk of over development pre winter.
A PGR at early green bud may be appropriate to reduce crop height